I didn’t teach my students any of this!
Instead, this is what they wrote on assorted quizzes, tests, and term papers:
Stars, little twinkling thing that rised up and down constantly.
A three-dimensional plane
An area opposite to another area in the ellipse contained the same amount of area.
Any point on a planet’s orbit was equally distant to the sun, traveling at a constant rate.
According to Newton, gravity is equal to the area squared divided by the mass cubed.
Newton’s law is only mathematically right for objects that have a velocity smaller than the light of speed.
Newtonian telescopes have the mirror bounce off the side … whereas another kind bounces back through a hole in the original mirror.
One of the Newtonian telescopes was called Cassograin, and how it worked was that the light gathered would not come out.
There are two lens in a refractor. Light enters the tube and is gathered by the first len, and the second len magnifies the focus produced by the first len.
A celestial body can be reflected through three mirrors positioned opposite of eachother.
We observe Venus using ultraviolet lights.
3 types of carbonaceous chondrites are relatively common, which can bring carbon to the planet when there is a collision or catering. … Io … is the only object in our solar system that does not have catering.
A solar eclipse happens when the darkest side of the moon hits the Earth.
It was in the grounds of Cambridge University that a student and a professor discovered pulsars.
The Big Bang theory has been proved to be true from detecting cosmetic background radiation.